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HostJaer Web Hosting Company in Kenya Review

HostJaer is a significant player in web hosting and domain registration services in Kenya. Thanks to its revolutionary technology and services, it prides itself on being one of the fastest-growing companies in its category. Primarily,…

Is From Capitalized in a Title?

When is the word from capitalized in a title or headline? The answer depends on several factors as discussed below: Title Case In the title case, the word’s capitalization depends on the style guide you are following.…

Is for Capitalized in a Title?

According to title case styles, prepositions and conjunctions are lowercased. The word for can take up the function of a preposition and a conjunction. Thus, the word for is lowercased in titles and headlines. The following examples demonstrate the above;…

Is And Capitalized in a Title?

And is a coordinating conjunction. Thus it should not be capitalized in a title or heading unless it is the first word. Others are or, nor, but, for, yet, and so. But and for are not always used as conjunctions, yet and so are treated differently…